Lyrics projection

AirPlay setup

Connect your iPhone or iPad using AirPlay, and tap on the song section to start lyrics projection. Customize the colors, font size, background image, and other settings.

Use AirPlay to stream or share content from your Apple devices to your Apple TV, AirPlay 2-compatible smart TV, or device.

To setup Airplay:

Connect your iPhone, or iPad, to the same Wi-Fi network as your Apple TV, AirPlay 2-compatible smart TV, or device.

  1. Open Control Center: on iPhone X or later, or iPadOS 13 or later: Swipe down from the upper right corner of the screen. On iPhone 8 or earlier, or iPadOS 8 or earlier: Swipe up from the bottom edge of the screen.
  2. Tap screen mirroring and select your display device from the available list.
  3. To stop mirroring your iOS or iPadOS device;
    1. open Control Center, tap Screen Mirroring, then tap Stop Mirroring. Or,
    2. press the Menu button on your Apple TV Remote

Lyrics projection settings